What's New

May. 2004 - After a long hiatus I finally got the Ramsell Family Tree back up on the web. The new web address is www.RamsellFamilyTree.com

Feb. 2004 - We took a trip to LA and visited Leslie Valdez in Long Beach CA, and Michael Williams in Hunginton Beach CA. Michael now owns the original bible that we think was a wedding present to Nancy Walker and Moses Swett Ramsell in 1852. The bible even lists a date of death for Moses' mother Eunice. You can see scans of the front pages of the Bible here.

Dec. 2003 - Over Christmas we made a trip to Agency Iowa and took photos of Nancy Walker's grave and several other Walker graves. We were amazed that for having died in 1865 , Nancy's grave stone was in excellent condition. You can see a map of the Agency Cemetery and photos of the grave stones here.

Apr. 2000 - We found a marriage record for Moses parents, Benjamin W. Ramsell and Eunice Eastman, married April 28, 1821 in Parsonsfield, Maine.

Oct. 1999 - Book about Richard R. Ramsell I William H. Ramsell has written a book called "The Judge who Taught Chickens to Fly" which is about growing up with a judge for a father. It contains many stories about the adventures that he and brother Dick (Richard R. II) had while growing up during the 1920's and 30's and contains information about Alma Glew, Henry Glew and Lucy Hawkhawk.

Oct. 1999 - Photo of Abe and Mose Ramsell I finally put up the picture of Abe and Mose Ramsell as children. I hope Mose will forgive me for putting him on the web in a little white dress.

Sept. 1999 - Letter written by Mary Jane Ramsell Marcia (Allenby) Ehteshamzadeh is the great grand daughter of Mary Jane Ramsell. Marcia sent me a letter that Mary Jane wrote in approximately 1935 in which she tells what she knows about Moses Swett Ramsell's parents and that his grandfather was a veteran of the Revolutionary War.

Questions or comments, please contact: Chris Ramsell