People I Want to Thank

I want to give a Big Thanks to all of the Ramsells who have contributed to the information here in the Ramsell Family Tree !!! My contribution may be more obvious because I've put the Tree up on the web, but believe me, I could not have done it without each of you.

In the order that I contacted each person:

Christine VanVolsem (wife of Charles F. Ramsell)
Christine was searching for her son's Email address (also named Chris Ramsell) and found mine instead. She sent me an Email asking "Who are you ?". Together we figured out that Charles D. Ramsell and William B. Ramsell were brothers (which I had been previously unaware of) This sparked my interest and was the beginning of this entire project. Thanks Christine !!

Leslie Valdez (daughter of William M. Ramsell II)
Leslie sent me a copy of Helen M. Ramsell's wonderful manuscript which has valuable information about the very early Ramsell and Roemer families as well as some really great pictures. Thanks Leslie !!

Virginia Tremaine (daughter of Abe Ramsell)
Virginia provided the priceless photos of Moses S. Ramsell, his son Charles, and of Charles' cabin. She even sent me new negatives which made it possible to mail out photos of Moses to many of you. Thanks Virginia !!

Fred Morath (son of Gladys Ramsell)
Fred has been interested in the Ramsell family history since before I was born. Fred helped me map out much of the family tree, and pointed out where Moses is buried which lead me to his Moses' death certificate. Thanks Fred !!

Patty Ramsell (daughter of William M. Ramsell II)
Patty sent me the wonderful photos of the family of Caroline and William B. Ramsell in 1904 and the Ramsells on the porch in 1917 as well as photos of William M., Gladys, and Helen M. Thanks Patty !!

Marcia Ehteshamzadeh (great grand daughter of Mary Jane Ramsell)
Marcia is literally a gold mine of information. She has been doing genealogy for many more years than I, and has studied the Ramsell family line. She contributed photos of Mary Jane and of the Williams children, as well as Moses' Obituary, and Mary Jane's letter which is currently our only clue to who Moses' parents were. Thanks Marcia !!

Pam Gill (a descendant of William Walker, like all of us)
Pam has provided a lot of information on Nancy Walker's family and dates from the original Walker family bible. Thanks Pam !!


Questions or comments, please contact: Chris

Last modified on: 4/20/2004